Presbytery Prayer List 2024

The Commission on Ministry invites all congregations in the Presbytery of North Central Iowa to be in prayers for one another throughout the year. We hope in this way to share the spirit and power of prayer as we reflect on our oneness in Jesus Christ. The North Central Iowa Presbytery Bicentennial History – 200 Years Celebrate the Journey book will give you more understanding of each congregation as you pray. If you do not have a copy of the book, contact the Presbytery office.



January 7, 2024Presbyterian Mission Agencydeployed mission workers
January 14, 2024First, Maxwell CRE Adrian McMullen
January 21, 2024Salem, Lincoln Rev. Gary Catterson and Rev. Brad Braley
January 28, 2024First, KamrarRev. Bob EnTin
February 4, 2024First, LeRoy, Minnesota
February 11, 2024Cedar Heights Community Presbyterian Church, Cedar Falls Rev. Dr. Dave Kivett and Rev. Johnny Janssen
February 18, 2024First, Fort DodgeChris Helton
February 25, 2024United, Goldfield Rev. Nicole Woodley
March 3, 2024First, State Center CRE Carol Tripp and CRE David Tripp
March 10, 2024United, Traer Rev. Brice Hoyt
March 17, 2024First, ConradRev. John Erthein
March 24, 2024First, Jesup CRE Dawn Person
March 31, 2024United, Clarion
April 7, 2024First, Marshalltown Rev. Bryan Kunz
April 14, 2024First, Algona and First, IrvingtonRev. Tamara EnTin
April 21, 2024 First, Waterloo Rev. David Feltman
April 28, 2024United, Garner CRE David Skilling
May 5, 2024Pray for the Ministers in North Central Iowa who are active in Specialized MinistryRev. Al Polito
Rev. Dr. Linda Smith
Rev. Kerin Lang Sorensen
May 12, 2024First, Toledo Rev. Dr. Tom Bower
May 19, 2024First, Greene Rev. Joan Thomas
May 26, 2024Unity, Waterloo Rev. Christine Kaplunas
June 2, 2024First, Mason City Rev. Dr. Kip Murphy
June 9, 2024First, Cedar Falls Rev. Julie Erkel Hagee
June 16, 2024Pray for honorably retired pastors in the Presbytery of North Central Iowa (not currently serving churches)Rev. Bruce Baillie, Rev. John Bates, Rev. David Beckmann, Rev. Fran Beyea,
Rev. Kerry Carson, Rev. Doug Darnold, Rev. Dan Emmert, Rev. Jerry Evelsizer,
Rev. Dr. Patricia Geadelmann, Rev. Denise Group, Rev. Jack Mauldin,
Rev. Larry Mitchell, Rev. Gordon Moen, Rev. John Osborn, Rev. Mark Pell,
Rev. Mary Wilber, Rev. Dr. S. Glenn Wilson, Rev. Cathy Young
June 23, 2024Pray for the PC(USA) Special Offerings:One Great Hour of Sharing
Peace & Global Witness
Christmas Joy
June 30, 2024Pray for the National Staff of PC(USA)
July 7, 2024First, Boone Rev. John Pea
July 14, 2024First, Lakota CRE Kent Madison
July 21, 2024Pray for other Minister members of North Central IowaRev. Ben Acosta, Rev. Le Anne Clausen de Montes, Rev. Joy Ridge Edeker, Rev. Barbara Huisman, Rev. Dr. Richard King, Rev. Betsy Thompson. Rev. Amy Wiles
July 28, 2024Lakeshore Center at OkobojiRev. Sara Sutter, Executive Director
Steve Sutter, Office Manager
Rev. John Hanna, Maintenance
August 4, 2024First, Ackley CRE Diane Martin
August 11, 2024Northminster, Ames Rev. Jim DuBois
August 18, 2024Westminster, WaterlooRev. Jonny Craig
August 25, 2024First, Albion CRE Charlie Flick
September 1, 2024Collegiate, Ames Rev. Dr. Brett Becker
Rev. Jen Hibben
Emily Sprunger
September 8, 2024Theological Institutions related to the PCUSA
September 15, 2024Eden, Rudd Rev. Dixie Laube
September 22, 2024Greater Greene County Presbyterian Ministries (Grand Junction, First; Jefferson, First; Payton First)Rev. Bill Kem
CRE Wendy Pittman
September 29, 2024First, Reinbeck and First, Grundy CenterRev. Steve Tyykila
October 6, 2024Bethany, Grundy Center Rev. Dr. Tom Wiles
October 13, 2024Lone Rock CRE Walt Reemtsma
October 20, 2024Barclay, Waterloo CRE Larry Fuson
October 27, 2024Central, Nevada Rev. John Molacek
November 3, 2024McCallsburgRev. Tom Poppe
November 10, 2024Amity, Reinbeck CRE Darryl Widmayer
November 12, 2024BurtCRE Kent Madison
CRE Walt Reemtsma
November 24, 2024First, Woden
December 1, 2024East Friesland, Ackley and First, Steamboat RockCRE Lynn Arends
December 8, 2024St. Paul's, WashburnRev. Dr. Clemens Bartollas
December 15, 2024Grand Ji Vante (formerly The Presbyterian Village)Diane Martin, Chaplain
December 22, 2024Pray for the Presbytery Staff:Rev. Dr. Annika Lister Stroope, Administrative Executive & Stated Clerk
RE Amgad Beblawi, Ministry & Mission Executive
Rev. Ian McMullen, Pastor to the Presbyteries
Jeannie Stolee, Office Manager
December 29, 2024Pray for The Synod of Lakes and Prairies Staff:RE Elona Street-Stewart, Synod Executive
Rev. Dr. Deb DeMeester, Leadership Development
RE Jim Koon, Financial Services and Treasurer
Rev. Pam Prouty, Stated Clerk
Amy Hartman, Financial Services Associate
Gretchen Milloy, Office Coordinator




Following are some sample Prayers from the Book of Common Worship published by Westminster/John Knox press in 1993

For the Church

Almighty and ever‑living God,
ruler of all things in heaven and earth,
hear our prayers for this congregation.
Strengthen the faithful,
arouse the careless,
and restore the penitent.
Grant us all things necessary for our common
life, and bring us all to be of one heart and
mind within your holy church; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.   Amen.

For the Mission of the Church

Almighty God, you sent your Son Jesus Christ
to reconcile the world to yourself.
We praise and bless you for those
whom you have sent in the power of the Spirit
to preach the gospel to all nations.
We thank you that in all parts of the earth
a community of love has been gathered together
by their prayers and labors,
and that in every place your servants call upon
your name; for the kingdom and the power and
the glory are yours forever.  Amen.

For the Proclamation of the Gospel

By your word, O God, your creation sprang
and we were given the breath of life.
By your word, eternal God, death is overcome,
Christ is raised from the tomb, and we are
given a new life in the power of your Spirit.
May we boldly proclaim this good news,
by the words of our mouths and the deeds of
our lives,
rejoicing always in your powerful presence;
through Jesus Christ our risen Lord.  Amen.


For a Meeting of the General Assembly, Synod, or Presbytery

Almighty God, in Jesus Christ you called
disciples and, by the Holy Spirit, made them
one church to serve you. Be with members of
our General Assembly/synod/presbytery. Help
them to welcome new things you are doing in
the world, and to respect old thing you keep
and use. Save them from empty slogans or
senseless controversy. In their deciding,
determine what is good for us and for all
people. As the General
Assembly/synod/presbytery meets, let your
Spirit rule, so that our church may be joined in
love and service to Jesus Christ, who, having
gone before us, is coming to meet us in the
promise of your kingdom.  Amen.

For Courage in Christ’s Mission

Toyhiko Kagawa (1888‑1960) O God, show us
clearly the heart of the kingdom of God. We
do not protest even if our life is destined to lead
to the cross, or if the way leads to our losing
our lives. We will march in the face of distress
and contrary winds. Teach us how to dispense
with unnecessary thing. Let us go forward
without fear of death in order to fulfill our
mission simply, surely, and steadily. Reveal to
us our station clearly, and strengthen us to
teach and guide, by our example, all persons,
even those who are ruled by evil. We pray that
you may find us worthy to work through us.