Leadership Council


Name Status/Church Phone Email

Immed. Past. Mod.

TE Christine Kaplunas – Council Mod.

Waterloo Unity


Contact Email

Presbytery Mod.

RE Adrian McMullen – Presbytery Mod.

Maxwell First


Contact Email

Presbytery Vice Mod.

TE Steve Tyykila

Grundy Ctr First & Reinbeck First


Contact Email


RE Walt Reemtsma

Burt/Lone Rock


Contact Email





TE Kerry Carson



Contact Email




TE Cathy Young



Contact Email


TE Shamaine Chambers King

Windsor Heights Windsor


Contact Email


RE Linda Hora



Contact Email


RE Laura Little

Mason City First


Contact Email


TE Annika Lister Stroope

Stated Clerk


Contact Email


RE Amgad Beblawi

Ministry & Mission Exec.


Contact Email


TE Ian McMullen

Pastor to Presbyteries


Contact Email

12.1. Members of the Leadership Council include 9 members at large. The members at large should ordinarily not be from the same congregation. The Leadership Council is composed of ruling elders and ministers of the Word and Sacrament in numbers as nearly equal as possible.

12.2. Members with voice and vote are the Presbytery Moderator, Vice Moderator, and Immediate Past Moderator.

12.3. Ex-officio members with voice but not vote include the Executive Presbyters and Stated Clerk.

12.4. The elected members will serve 3-year terms, and no one may serve more than 6 consecutive years. The Moderator of Leadership Council is nominated by the Committee on Nominating and elected by Presbytery for a 1-year term.

12.5. The duties of the Leadership Council include:

12.5.1. The Leadership Council shall meet before a stated meeting of Presbytery and review the docket as prepared by the Stated Clerk and the Moderator. A special meeting may be called by the Moderator of Leadership Council.

12.5.2. Implements the priorities of the Presbytery, coordinates and jointly reports to Presbytery the work of Committee on Personnel and Committee on Budget and Finance.

12.5.3. Develop, communicate and shepherd the ongoing vision, strategy and design of the Presbytery. Submit recommendations to the Presbytery concerning the mission of the Presbytery. Implement a method for planning and evaluating the work of the Presbytery.

12.5.4. Train elected members to standing committees and Leadership Council or appoint a training team.

12.5.5. Address matters between meetings of the Presbytery as may be necessary or assigned by Presbytery.

12.5.6. Coordinate the work of the Committee on Personnel and Committee on Budget and Finance and present report jointly to Presbytery. Moderators of the Committee on Personnel and Committee on Budget and Finance will be first on the agenda of Leadership Council and can leave after their report or be invited to stay for remainder of meeting.

12.5.7. Propose an annual budget jointly with the Committee on Budget and Finance to Presbytery.

12.5.8. Oversight and coordination of Ecumenical Relationships. Ecumenical Relationships are relationships, working agreements, or cooperative endeavors with denominations or religious groups beyond the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Receive reports from representatives of related institutions and reviewing annually the proceedings and actions of all such organizations under the direction of the Presbytery.

12.5.9. Remain current on issues of theology and culture that affect the Presbytery.

12.5.10. Relate to Standing Committees in an empowering style. Each member of Leadership Council will serve as liaison to one or more committees, providing support, guidance and directions for mission on a regular schedule

12.5.11. Respond to ministry opportunities in relation to the Presbytery’s vision.

12.5.12. Coordinate and communicate with the “Iowa Presbyteries Task Force” reporting to Presbytery when necessary.

12.5.13. Administrative Duties Review and recommend changes to Presbytery’s By-Laws and Manual of Operations. Nominate members of the Committee on Nominating for election by Presbytery.

12.5.14. Develop and submit a budget request to Committee on Budget and Finance for the Leadership Council’s ministry.

12.5.15. At the last stated meeting of each year, the Leadership Council will nominate for election by the Presbytery three members to a new class of the Committee on Nominating.

12.5.16. The retiring Moderator of Presbytery of Des Moines will install the newly elected officers at the last stated meeting of each year.