Committee on Nominating and Representation
Class Name Status/Church Phone Email


RE Joyce Garton-Natte

Fort Dodge First


Contact Email


RE Nancy Beenken

Mason City First

641-420-5329 Contact Email


TE Kerry Carson



Contact Email


TE John Molacek

Nevada Central 402-981-4939 Contact Email




Staff TE Annika Lister Stroope

Stated Clerk

402-942-1636 Contact Email

13.10.1. The Committee on Nominating consists of 6 persons, including the Moderator, nominated by the Leadership Council and elected by the Presbytery.

13.10.2. The purpose of the Committee on Nominating is to cooperate with all committees to achieve as nearly as possible a fair and balanced constituency of the Presbytery membership to its council, committees, the Presbytery Permanent Judicial Commission, Synod and General Assembly Commissioners. The Committee on Nominating shall make a conscientious, deliberate effort to secure persons to serve on the Committee on Representation who fulfill the racial, ethnic, and minority requirements of the Book of Order.

13.10.3. At the last stated meeting of each year, the committee will nominate for election by Presbytery a Presbytery Moderator and Vice Moderator for one-year term; and a Treasurer for three-year term.

13.10.4. Members to fill new classes on Presbytery committees and the Leadership Council will be considered for their faithfulness, skills, abilities, interests and experiences needed.

13.10.5. Nominations to fill vacancies may be made at any meeting of the Presbytery.

13.10.6. When making nominations, the committee will insure the following principles are followed: (1) representation of the broad theological, cultural, racial, geographical, and generational diversity of the Presbytery, (2) competence of nominees in their area of service, (3) willingness of nominees to work in a collaborative and collegial manner, (4) commitment of nominees to the inclusiveness and diversity of the Presbytery, and (5) commitment of nominees to the mission of the Presbytery and the Presbyterian Church (USA).

13.10.7. For purposes of continuity, the Committee on Nominating may nominate some persons to serve a second consecutive term on a committee, but ordinarily at least half of the nominated slate for every committee is made up of persons not currently serving on that committee. No person may serve more than six consecutive years on a committee. After two terms no person may be reelected to the same committee without a two-year lapse between terms.

13.10.8. The Committee will maintain a referral system to identify qualified and interested persons to serve the Presbytery and maintain records of service to ensure adequate rotation.

13.10.9. Nominations from the floor are permitted whenever the Presbytery conducts an election. However, all nominees shall have agreed to serve and must fulfill the categories of inclusion specified in the Manual of Operations. A vacancy in the Nominating Committee may be filled by election at any meeting of the Presbytery upon nomination by the Leadership Council.