Committee on Compassion, Peace and Justice
Class Name Status/Church Phone Email
2022 TE Alex Thornburg, Moderator Clive, Heartland 608-338-9905 Contact Email
2021 RE Margaret Blair Indianola, Trinity United 515-491-0356 Contact Email
2021 TE Ken Stuber HR 515-263-2020 H  
2022 RE Jean Caster West Des Moines, Covenant 515-802-0686 Contact Email
2023 RE Susan Stroope Des Moines, Central 515-988-7261 Contact Email


13.7.1. The committee on Compassion, Peace and Justice consists of 5 members, including the moderator.

13.7.2. The Committee will seek to equip congregations and sensitize their members to the Gospel’s call for God’s people to promote social justice and peace thorough education and advocacy.

13.7.3. Responsibilities Initiate and organize social action programs within the Presbytery, regional partners (as requested) and assist local churches in developing their social ministries. Suggest strategies for involvement in social action ministry. Act as agent of the Presbytery in ecumenical social action programs when authorized by the Presbytery. Develop and oversee the Harvest Offering promotion and grants. Report to the Presbytery regularly