Missionary Pastor Paul Both to Visit Presbyterian Churches of Algona and Irvington

May 23, 2023

On Sunday, June 11, we will welcome back guest preacher, Rev. Paul Both, who was a refugee from South Sudan, Africa. Bound to Sudan by his devotion to sharing God’s ministry, he’ll talk about his ongoing mission work there with South Sudan Education Mission of which he is president and founder. SSEM is dedicated to improving Christian education and living conditions in New Nation South Sudan and Ethiopia.

A special offering will be received for Rev. Both for the primary school scholarship fund. (The annual tuition is $50 for one student.) Checks can be made payable to SSEM and will be collected during our time of offering. You can learn more and/or give online at ssemhome.org. We will also be collecting medications for SSEM. Please consider donating trial sizes of ibuprofen (such as Advil), acetaminophen (such as Tylenol), Band-Aids, and antibiotic ointment. There will be a potluck meal following worship.