NCI Presbytery PDA Trip

Nov 17, 2022

The Presbytery of North Central Iowa’s 2023 PDA mission trip will be to Madisonville, Kentucky to help with rebuilding after the area was hit by a tornado outbreak on December 10, 2021. The cost will be $175 per person. Participants will also be responsible for the cost of their travel and lodging to Madisonville and back.

We will be staying at First Presbyterian Church in Madisonville, arriving February 5 and departing February 11. The church can accommodate up to 35 volunteers in converted classrooms with 5-8 twin beds in each room. Volunteers need to bring a pillow, twin size sheets and a blanket or a sleeping bag along with towels and toiletries. The site has a gym, kitchen, dining and laundry facilities. Photos are available at For those that do not wish to stay in a dormitory-style setting, there are numerous hotels within 15 minutes of the church.

Repair work is being coordinated by the Hopkins County Long Term Recovery Group and will be done in the Bremen, Barnsley, or Dawson Springs areas. Most work will be in 12-15 homes that have been framed up by Habitat for Humanity volunteers.

COVID-19 vaccinations are strongly encouraged, but not required to participate in the trip.

Completed registration forms may be emailed to Jeannie at the Presbytery Office or mailed with your registration fee to Jeannie at the Presbytery Office (address on form). Applications must be received no later than January 18, 2023. Registration will not be considered complete without the full $175 fee and all completed forms. If you have questions or need more information, contact Angie Jewett by e-mail or phone (515-370-0839) or Dave Little by e-mail or phone (641-420-2816).

2023 Mission Trip Application and Release Forms

Hopkins County Long Term Recovery Group Waiver