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Extra Commitment Programs Presbyterian Church USA

Compassion, Peace and Justice
This gift will help Compassion, Peace and Justice to respond to the needs of the world’s most vulnerable people, address injustice in all areas of life and advocate for peaceful solutions to conflict.

1001 New Worshipping Communities
This fund is established in response to the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) recommendation to the 2012 GA that states: The GA, in gratitude and response to God for the movement of the Holy Spirit in this time and place: Declare a church wide commitment to ignite a movement that results in the creation of 1001 new worshipping communities in the next ten years; Encourage each GA agency to join in fulfilling this movement; and Encourage each session and mid-council to pray for the fulfillment of God’s purpose within this movement and discern and pursue ways to participate in this movement.

Public Witness and Advocacy
Your contributions make a difference! Your gift continues the Presbyterian voice in the public square. The work of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations and the Office of Public Witness is integral to carrying out the public policy mandates of our General Assembly on a host of issues, including gun violence, racism and civil rights, poverty and economic justice. Their international priorities include child soldiers, gender-based violence, peace, and global security.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Supplements the OGHS offering and enables members and congregations to make general designations to use funds where they are most needed as determined by PDA.

Presbyterian Hunger Program
Your financial support enables the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) to witness to the healing love of Christ and to bring hope to communities and individuals struggling with hunger. Your gifts to the Presbyterian Hunger Fund help to end hunger worldwide.

Racial Ethnic & Women’s Intercultural Ministries
The Leadership Development for Leaders of Color initiative seeks to identify, equip and connect leaders of color with opportunities for leadership development in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Ministries and programs related to this initiative strengthen and nurture the gifts of leaders of color and empower women and men of color to serve fully in the life of the church.

Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) Program
Young Adult Volunteers experience a year of developing Christian community through spiritual formation, mission service, and mission learning. Funds are used for programmatic support and to directly support volunteers with stipends, health insurance, student loan grants, housing, food allowance, travel and training.